Student Posts

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Letter from Science/Emily re 4th grade Science Test

March 22, 2010

Dear 4th Grade Parents –

Your child will be taking the Statewide Science test in a couple of months. There are two parts – the performance test, which will take place the first week of June, and the written test, which is scheduled for Monday, June 7. The written test is multiple-choice, and the performance test is a hands-on test in which the children handle materials and take measurements and are asked to make conclusions about their results.

I have scheduled one additional period with the 4th graders each week in order to help them review material to prepare for the test. We will be going over sample questions from the written test as well as doing some hands-on activities to prepare them for the performance test. I am also providing them with a vocabulary list of words and concepts they should review. You might discuss and review these words and terms with them. You could also be helpful by making sure your child is comfortable measuring with a ruler and measuring cup.

There are several practice tests (and answer keys) available on the State Education website, which you can download and print if you would like to give your child more chance to practice at home. The web address is below. If you are unable to do so, I have these tests in Room 409, and I can make copies available to students who request them.

Best wishes,


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