Student Posts

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Welcome Back!

Tonight's homework:

READING: Read for at least 40 minutes. Jot down your thinking and add it to your reading log.

WRITING: Write at least 2 sentences each for these homophones- 1. to 2. too 3. two 4. they're 5. their 6. there (a total of at least 12 sentences!)

MATH: 4th graders have a math packet

ELA TEST PREP: Revise your test using the rubric we went over together in class today

SOCIAL STUDIES- due Friday: Scholastic News + handouts


Victoria Law said...

Siu Loong is missing the "Who Owns the Arctic?" article in the Scholastic handout (the cover story is "When America Split Apart"). Was there an additional Scholastic handout?

Room 405 said...

There is just 1 Scholastic- "When America Split Apart"
I think the handout is a mixup. Don't worry!