Happy Weekend!!
- Revise and edit writing draft (*remember craft! look at the blog post from yesterday). Use a different color pen and attach more paper if needed. I should be able to see your revision work and editing. We will do partner editing Monday and get ready for publishing.
- Find a current events article that interests you (see if there is anything that connects to your society or First Light) and complete the "In the News" handout
*read the directions carefully and fill out everything
- Math handout + write and solve a multiplication problem using 2 strategies
******BONUS: add onto our list with more sophisticated ways to say...
walk: stroll, march, glide...
said: yapped, chattered...
brown hair: chestnut waves, brownie curls, chocolate brunette, curly doodles...
like(d):: adore, addicted, enjoyed...
bad: sinister...
cry: sob, weep...
*Thanks to all the families for visiting our very student-run Project Time Celebration!
And thank you Donna for all of the popcorn. It was very generous and exciting!
Independence is a large part of 4th and 5th grade, especially as students are transitioning into upper grades and middle school. This means that things are sometimes a little "messy" while they figure out and negotiate how to work together and solve problems that arise. Kids need to have this experience before they can move forward to a "clean" independence. It gives us lots of rich things to talk together about such as sharing the "spotlight", presenting work, engaging and thinking of an audience, and of course supporting one another.
Students have been working very hard on their projects and had really cool things to share. We look forward to celebrating together again!

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