Student Posts

Monday, March 21, 2011


Hi Families:
Below is the homework for tonight and tomorrow night (Mon. and Tues.). I will be at a social studies workshop tomorrow, so that's why this is early :) This homework is due on Wednesday.

READING: Read for at least 40 minutes- refocus yourself when you start to get distracted or something doesn't make sense. Fill out reading log- date, summary, questions.
*Partnership handout

WRITING- Collect a new folktale that is at least 2 pages or 2 folktales that are 1 page each. *Use the lists we created together to get an idea
Edit 2 pages using a colored pen to show your corrections

MATH: Packet (due Wednesday) + math article (M.C. Escher)

SOCIAL STUDIES: Scholastic News + handout (main idea + detail)

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